HaMiffal – residency

I will be working in a very interesting project during the Christmastime:


Hamiffal, “The Factory,” is an art project that turned an abandoned building in central Jerusalem into a temporary cultural hub and a public home for creativity. This is the sixth project of the Empty House group and like previous projects, it is a multi-faceted operation. In many ways, Hamiffal is a factory of art, operating dozens of artists who use the space to produce and present their work. In other respects, it is a collective operation whose main production is a new urban space and a community that evolves in the process. As of today, there are dozens of participants from Jerusalem and the rest of Israel who are producing work in a variety of mediums and disciplines. Anyone interested is invited to join at any time and make an impact. From this perspective, Hamiffal is a work of art produced by the general public and in a constant state of construction.



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